Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence

License: 2VF67GA2K7K7 (October 2019)

Introductory course to Tensorflow, Google Colaboratory, Neural Networks and CNNs.

Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence

Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow

License: XD8B3MRZKWKA (November 2019)

Tensorflow applied to computer vision classification problems. The course covers convolutional networks, data augmentation and transfer learning.

Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow

Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow

License: LB9QX7NT6BEX (November 2019)

Tensorflow applied to Natural Language Processing. Introduction to tokenization, word embeddings, RNNs, LSTMs and text generation.

Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow

Sequences, Time Series and Prediction

License: C9KJW9GTK4GV (November 2019)

Tensorflow applied to the problem of time series and seasonality. Included setting baselines with moving averages and differencing, and comparing the results of different network topologies such as MLPs, LSTMs and CNNs and their combinations.

Sequences, Time Series and Prediction